Orgánico y Bienestar
Muchos de nuestros productos están hechos de materiales orgánicos. Estos no contienen ingredientes tóxicos y promueven el bienestar.
Westford Mill EarthAware Organic Yoga Mat Bag
4 Colours Available
¡Excelente y elegante bolso para esterilla de yoga para llevar tu esterilla de yoga cuando viajas hacia y desde tus sesiones de fitness! Características: 100% Algodón Orgánico. Tela: Lona. Cierre: Cordón. 340 g/m². Correa de hombro ajustable y tejida. Bolsillos:...
Temple of Incense White Sage Smudge Bundle
This white smudging sage bundle/ sage stick has a potent aroma and is perfect for cleansing, purifying and protection. Superior quality. Burn the end like incense to release the smoke, use to clear the house then stub out to reuse...
Ancient Wisdom Artisan White Sage Smudge Stick Bundle 22.5cm
Introducing the artisan white sage smudge stick 22.5cm, a powerful tool for cleansing and purifying your space. White Sage, also known as "Salvia apiana," is a sacred herb used by indigenous cultures for centuries in traditional smudging ceremonies. The smudging...
AW Green Tree Palo Santo Sticks (10-15 Pack) 100g
Palo santo, purifying Holy woodEveryone knows Palo Santo. Maybe not by name, but at least because the fragrance is often used in some Finnish sauna’s or for home fragrances or massage oils. The smell comes from the Palo Santo wood...
Artisan White Sage Smudge Stick Bundle 10cm
Introducing the artisan white sage smudge stick 10cm, a powerful tool for cleansing and purifying your space. White Sage, also known as "Salvia apiana," is a sacred herb used by indigenous cultures for centuries in traditional smudging ceremonies. The smudging...