Almohadillas y cojines de yoga
Tenemos una gran colección de cojines Yoga Bolsters, Zabuton o Zafu para aumentar su comodidad, ganando un elevado sentido de la mente durante su meditación. Los cojines de meditación proporcionan apoyo extra para la meditación y el yoga restaurativo, y vienen en una variedad de formas, estilos, tela & colores.
Compliment your colchonetas de yoga and bloques de yoga with a matching meditation cushion. Meditation cushions are an important part of the meditation process. They support the body and ensure good posture and proper alignment during meditation. Forgoing props during meditation can lead to strain and stress on the body; in order to truly reach a place of tranquillity, first ensure you are comfortable and relaxed. You may consider other meditation accessories to further enhance your experience. A yoga cushion can be used behind the back during sitting positions, or behind and beck, head, legs or hips during laying down postures.
Nuestros cojines de meditación de alta calidad están disponibles en una gran variedad de formas y tamaños, de modo que, sea cual sea su forma de meditar, disponemos de un cojín que le ayudará a encontrar la paz en cuerpo y mente.
Yoga Bolsters can provide alot of extra support for restorative yoga and meditation, they also come in a range of shapes, styles, fabric & colours allowing you to find exactly what you need to enhance your practice.
There are many different types of Yoga Bolsters on the market, and are made with different fabrics and fillings to offer you a wide range of support.
A Yoga Bolsters are usually in the shape of a long round cylinder, and are generally filled with buckwheat hulls.
Se pueden utilizar de muchas formas durante la práctica, ya sea en horizontal o en vertical, y están diseñados para colocarse debajo del cuerpo como apoyo adicional. Algunos bolsters tienen un asa de transporte en la parte delantera, lo que facilita mucho el transporte desde y hacia el estudio.
Depending on your needs you may want to opt for a almohadilla ligera which is generally filled with recron polyster fibers. While this is alot easier to transport to and from the studio, it may not provide as much support as a almohadilla de alforfón which is alot firmer.
One last thing to consider when purchasing a Yoga Bolster for the first time is the washing aspect. Many meditation bolsters and cushions on the market today come with removal covers which can be easily unzipped and popped in the washing machine.
However some do not come with tapas de extracción and can be tricky to clean, especially if you choose a light colour.
All Yoga Studio bolsters come with removal covers for easy washing. We also sell cubiertas de repuesto if you just fancy a change.

We have put together some of the most popular questions and answers around Yoga Bolsters. We have covered everything from what are the best materials to use, to the types of fillings which are best for your practice. We have also put together a guide on our blog - Explorar Diversos Tipos De Cojines Del Yoga, which you may find useful. If you would still like some advise on which bolsters or cushions to choose, you can always give our customer service team a call or email us directly at info@yogastudiostore.comestaremos encantados de ayudarle.